Exercise Routines For Teenage Girls 25 Tips 

Exercise Routines For Teenage Girls 25 Tips 

Lack of physical exercise may be a risk factor for cardiovascular disease and obesity in both boys and girls. Regular physical exercise throughout adolescence is a self-care technique that promotes long-term health and activity. Working exercise benefits both your physical and mental wellbeing. Check out the numerous ways that exercise routines for teenage girls

Benefits of an active lifestyle on mental health.

Most teens are quite aware about their physical image. A daily exercise helps keep your body in shape. Physical exercise also causes the brain to produce endorphins, which are feel-good chemicals.

According to Dr. Susan Baxter, PhD, a fitness and nutrition expert from Kings Park, Australia, teenagers develop both physical and mental abilities via exercise. Exercise improves stress management, lowers mood swings, boosts oxygen to the brain, and aids in logical thinking, spatial awareness, and problem solving for tasks and memory outside of the exercise session.

Advantages of an Active Lifestyle for Physical Health

Physical activity may improve teenagers' physical well-being.Exercise helps you remain healthy, builds stamina, and promotes development throughout adolescence.

Working exercise is an excellent strategy to keep your weight under control. Teenage obesity is often caused by unhealthy eating habits and sedentary lifestyles, leading to consequences including heart disease, joint discomfort, diabetes, and hormone imbalances. From 2017-2020, the CDC National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) reported a 22.2% prevalence of obesity among adolescents aged 12-19. The data imply that childhood obesity is a major problem in the United States.
Working exercise may assist to strengthen bones and develop muscles throughout the vital adolescent years.
Regular exercise may prevent the emergence of lifestyle illnesses including diabetes and high blood pressure.
Teenage females suffering from period cramps might find comfort in stretching and moderate-intensity workouts.

Staying active does not have to be tough. To encourage you to begin exercising, we've compiled a list of 21 basic and easy routines to perform at home. Continue reading for more information on each. But first.

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Tips To Work Out Safely

It is essential to exercise caution and self-care while working out, because a wrong move can cause a sprain or injury. Here are a few safety measures you should know about before you begin working out.

  1. Your daily workout plan must begin and conclude with a ten-minute warmup and cooldown. Never go directly to exercise.
  2. Always start modest and gradually raise the intensity of the activity; this allows your body to adjust to the workouts.
  3. If you are a novice, your body will be fatigued and sore for the first two weeks of the activity, which might be disheartening. Know that this is normal and will improve as you continue to exercise consistently.
  4. If you're exhausted and ill, reduce the number of exercises you do.
  5. You may sweat a lot while working out, so stay hydrated.

The American Council on Exercise recommends that young high school athletes, especially adolescent females, drink water 20 to 30 minutes before exercising, every 10 to 20 minutes during exercise, and within 30 minutes after exercise.

  1. Choose workout-appropriate clothing. You'd also need comfy shoes that allow for simple leg motions.

  2. Never work out on an empty or full stomach.Eat something light at least half an hour before your activity to assist increase stamina.

  3. Before utilizing gym equipment, make sure you understand how to use it safely.

  4. Keep a first-aid kit available in case of an emergency.

According to Dr. Baxter, teens without adequate education and management might overtrain. Overtraining may lead to hormone suppression and development problems, as well as moodiness and fatigue. In females, it may produce "FAT" (female athlete triad syndrome), and it might be difficult to determine if irregular periods are caused by the stress of the activity or anything else."

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Easy Exercise Routines for Teenage Girls to Stay Fit

You feel great when you're fit and healthy. So, let's talk about a few simple regular exercises that will help you keep healthy and look nice!

Ab Workouts for Teenage Girls

While ab exercises might help you achieve a flat stomach, they can also help you increase core strength and endurance. Here are some ab exercises you should practice every day to keep your belly fat under control.

1. Squats

Exercise Routines For Teenage Girls 25 Tips

Squats are known to develop the lower limb muscles, and higher squatting strength is connected to improved athletic performance. Increased squat strength may improve running and vertical leaping. This exercise also improves lower limb muscular strength and lean mass, which may assist to combat age-related disorders in later life.

  1. Stand as straight and tall as possible, with your hands held out in front. The fingers should be pointing forward.
  2. Keep your legs shoulder-length apart.
  3. Push your upper body down from the hips and descend as you bend your knees, but be cautious that your knees do not cross your feet, and that your lower body bends as low as possible, which means you should still be able to see your feet.
  4. Push yourself slowly back to upright posture.
  5. Do not bend your back or hands throughout the workout.

2. Bicycle Crunches

Exercise Routines For Teenage Girls 25 Tips

According to a sponsored research by the American Council on Exercise (ACE), bicycle crunches are one of the finest abdominal workouts. These bicycle crunches may help flatten and strengthen the abdominal muscles.

  1. Lie down on the yoga mat with your back flat on the floor.
  2. Lift your head slightly and position your hands behind it, as if to support it.
  3. Lift your right knee to a 45-degree angle, lift your shoulder blade off the ground, and move your body slightly to the left, bringing your left elbow near to your right knee. Extend your left leg simultaneously.
  4. Similarly, bring your left knee to your right elbow.
  5. Repeat the actions as if pedaling a bicycle, but take care not to pull your neck.

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3. Lying Leg Lifts

Exercise Routines For Teenage Girls 25 Tips

Leg lifts and rises are ab exercises since they target the thighs, hips, and lower ab muscles. This exercise, when done on a daily basis, may help you lose belly fat, tone your thighs, and strengthen abs. This article goes into great depth regarding lying leg lifts.

  1. Lie on the yoga mat, back flat on the floor.
  2. Your feet should be together, and your palms should be flat on your glutes.
  3. Lift your legs slowly in the air, diagonally at first, then higher up until they form a 90-degree angle.
  4. Hold your legs in that posture for as long as you can, then gently lower them back to their original position.
  5. Repeat the process.

4. V-Sit

Exercise Routines For Teenage Girls 25 Tips

V-sits are crunches that work the abdominal muscles and assist to strengthen them. Here's how you perform a V-sit.

  • Sit on the mat, legs outstretched in front of you.
  • Lift your legs so that your knees and feet are above the floor. Bend your body back slightly, so that your head and shoulders are off the ground and your lower back is pushed against the ground.
  • Bend your knees to a 45-degree angle and push your upper body toward the knees, keeping your hands straight in front of you. This manner, your body will form the letter 'v'.
  • Push yourself back into the posture from step 2 using your abdominal muscles.

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5. Side Plank Leg Lifts

Exercise Routines For Teenage Girls 25 Tips

Side plank leg lifts are a core exercise that targets the stomach, shoulders, glutes, ribs, thighs, and glute muscles.

  • Lie sideways on your right on the mat, right elbow on the ground.
  • Keep your legs together in a straight line.
  • First, elevate your left hand and extend your left leg, then lay the palm of your right hand on the ground and lift your complete body into the air, allowing just the right palm and ankle to contact the ground.
  • Maintain a straight spine by using your abdominal muscles. Your waist should be raised, not slouched over the right shoulder.
  • Return to the original location and repeat with the opposite side.

Leg Workouts For Teenage Girls

Leg exercises serve to strengthen the lower body while also activating the core muscles. Lower-body activities may also raise your heart rate, which helps with cardiovascular health. Proper leg training may improve running performance and assist in weight loss.

6. Bend And Kick Back

Exercise Routines For Teenage Girls 25 Tips

This exercise plan will strengthen the gluteus muscles in the buttocks. When these muscles are strong, performance in activities like running, skiing, and other sports may increase.

  • On the yoga mat, go on your hands and knees.
  • Extend your right leg slightly diagonally to your back, toes pointing down.
  • Bring the left knee up to shoulder level, perpendicular to the hip.
  • Straighten the left leg and stretch it to the rear.
  • Slowly lower it back to its original position and repeat with the opposite leg.

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7. Lateral Leg Raises

Exercise Routines For Teenage Girls 25 Tips

Lateral leg lifts, also known as side leg raises, help to build and tone the thighs and hips. This activity also helps to improve posture, flexibility, and limb speed.

  • Lie down on your right side, legs extended out and on top of each other.
  • Lift your upper body using your right elbow. Bend the elbow 90 degrees. The right arm is perpendicular to the floor, and the hip must remain on the ground.
  • Raise the upper leg (left leg in this example) at least six to eight inches higher than the other leg. Slowly restore it to its initial position.
  • Repeat the process for the opposite leg while resting on your left side.

8. Leg Sidekicks

Exercise Routines For Teenage Girls 25 Tips

Another, easier leg exercise is to stretch one leg to the side while keeping the other steady; this works the hips, thighs, and abs. Here's how to do the routine.

  • Stand with your back straight and feet together. Use a resistance band to hold them together.
  • Join your palms as in a prayer or greeting.
  • Lift your right leg sideways, use your muscle to stretch the resistance band.
  • Bring the leg down gently and return to the initial posture.
  • Repeat for the opposite leg.

9. Dips

Exercise Routines For Teenage Girls 25 Tips

You may do this workout from where you are seated. This focuses on your chest and triceps and may help you improve your strength, overall chest and triceps growth, and your ability to push with hands.

  • Sit in a chair with your hands on the sides and make sure the chair is adequately supported from behind.
  • Hold the chair, slide your buttocks off, and extend your legs forward.
  • Bend your elbows to 90 degrees to further lower your body.
  • Use your hands to pull yourself back into the chair.
  • Repeat the procedure.

10. Lunges

Exercise Routines For Teenage Girls 25 Tips

Lunges are simple to learn and use effectively. Incorporating five minutes of lunges into your daily exercise regimen will stretch and tone your lower body while also strengthening your calves, hamstrings (a collection of muscles at the back of your upper thigh), glutes, and all of your main leg muscles. It also promotes hip flexibility and spinal wellness.

  • Stand erect, hands on hips, and back straight.
  • Your feet should be at least one foot apart, with your shoulders upright. Keep your sight straight.
  • Take a large stride with your right leg, dropping your hips and bending your right and left knees to a 90-degree angle.
  • The right knee should be just above the right foot, while the left knee (in the rear) should not contact the ground.
  • Stay in place for five seconds before returning to the beginning position.
  • Repeat with the left leg extended.

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11. Leg Stretches

Exercise Routines For Teenage Girls 25 Tips

Typically, they are completed at the start of your exercise. Leg stretches are simple to do and may be done in a variety of ways to assist the hamstrings and calves while also improving leg flexibility overall. They also promote joint health, increase blood flow, relax muscles, and improve flexibility and posture.

There are three sorts of leg stretching exercises: quad stretch, inner thigh stretch, and calf and hamstring stretch.

Quad Stretch

  • Stand against a wall or anything sturdy for support. Stand on your side of it.
  • Bend your right knee backward and lift your foot. Hold the foot in your hand and pull it closer to your rear, keeping the knees and thighs together.
  • Hold the posture for five seconds, then return the leg to its natural position.
  • Alternate with the other leg.

12. Superman Lifts

Exercise Routines For Teenage Girls 25 Tips

This short exercise gets its name from the stance required, which resembles Superman soaring across the sky. This exercise focuses on the muscles that reach from the base of the head to the sacrum, which helps to strengthen lower back strength and improve posture.

  • Lie face down on the yoga mat, hands extended out in front.
  • Keep your arms and legs straight and raise them into the air at the same time, maintaining your body steady. Your back should be slightly curved.
  • When lifting, adopt a gradual, controlled action and avoid jerking motions.
  • Exhale as you rise, then inhale on the way down.
  • Hold the posture for five seconds before returning the body to the beginning position.
  • Repeat the procedure five times.

13. Sumo Squats

Exercise Routines For Teenage Girls 25 Tips

Sumo squats are complex workouts that help burn calories and strengthen the glutes, hamstrings, and inner thighs. They also increase mobility and flexibility.

  • Stand three feet apart. The spacing should be bigger than hip width.
  • Join your hands and lock them in front of your chest without touching the body.
  • The toes should point away from the center of the body.
  • Lower into a squat by bending your knees and pressing your glutes down.
  • The back should be regular, relaxed, and not leaning forward or backward. Also, your knees should not extend to the toes. The concept is that you should not lean forwards.
  • Use the force in your heels to lift your body and return to a standing posture.

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14. Lying Butt Lifts

Exercise Routines For Teenage Girls 25 Tips

Lying buttock raises strengthen the glutes while also working the lower back and spine.

  • On the yoga mat, lie with your back flat and arms at your sides. Keep your feet hip width apart.
  • Slowly elevate your pelvis and bend your knees to create a 40 or 45-degree angle with your body from the ground.
  • Hold the posture for at least five seconds, flexing your glute muscles.
  • Return to your starting position cautiously.
  • Perform the workout at least five times.

15. Wall Pushups

Exercise Routines For Teenage Girls 25 Tips

Pushups might be useful for strength training. You can perform them even if you don't have access to a gym or the necessary equipment. Here's how.

  • Stand two steps from a wall.
  • Bend forward and lay your palms on the wall at shoulder level.
  • Bend your body forward so that your chest is near to the wall.
  • Pull your weight back into place by pressing your hands on the wall. Repeat.

Gym Workouts for Teenage Girls

A gym exercise might be beneficial if you are serious about your physical health. The key to a gym training routine is to include the appropriate activities that work the full body. Here's a list of core routines you can do at home to get a real gym workout.

16. Stretches

Exercise Routines For Teenage Girls 25 Tips

A workout should always begin with a warm-up, ideally stretching. Stretching allows you to stimulate muscles that would otherwise be motionless, making it simpler to enhance their flexibility.

17. Jumping Jacks

Exercise Routines For Teenage Girls 25 Tips

  • Stand upright with your arms to the side.
  • Jump enough to stretch your feet wide and lift your hands over your head.
  • Reverse the movement fast, with no stop.
  • Repeat the movements at least 10 times.

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18. Toe Touch

Exercise Routines For Teenage Girls 25 Tips

  • Take a straight stance and place your feet and knees together.
  • Bend forward slowly from the lower back and attempt to touch your toes.
  • Return to the starting position carefully.
  • Repeat at least 10 times.

19. Side Reach

Exercise Routines For Teenage Girls 25 Tips

  • Stand with your feet two or three feet apart.
  • With one hand on your hip, lift the other hand sideways over your head and extend to the side.
  • Your shoulders should align with your hips.
  • Alternate with the other hand and repeat 10 times.

20. Shoulder Roll

Exercise Routines For Teenage Girls 25 Tips

  • Stand comfortably, arms to the side, feet together.
  • Roll the shoulders in a circular motion while maintaining the rest of your body steady.
  • Do this for a minimum of two minutes.

21. Neck Roll

Exercise Routines For Teenage Girls 25 Tips

  • Stand comfortably, arms to the side, feet together.
  • Looking at your left shoulder, gently move your neck forward and to the right. As you roll your neck, keep your eyes focused on your body.
  • Roll it to the sides and forward, not backward.

22. Workout On Treadmill Or Elliptical

Exercise Routines For Teenage Girls 25 Tips

If you have access to a gym, exercising on the treadmill for at least 20 minutes is beneficial. A six-minute interval exercise on the elliptical, with a two-minute break, is also beneficial.

23. High-Intensity Aerobics

Exercise Routines For Teenage Girls 25 Tips

Aerobics is a kind of cardiac fitness training. You may either attend an aerobics class or watch DIY videos at home.

24. Jump Rope

Exercise Routines For Teenage Girls 25 Tips

Jumping rope or skipping rope is an excellent cardio exercise that allows you to burn more calories in less time. For best effects, do this for at least five minutes while also doing other exercises. Running, brisk walking, and utilizing the gym's elliptical machine are all viable alternatives.

25. Dancing To Zumba

Exercise Routines For Teenage Girls 25 Tips

Another aerobic exercise you might attempt to mix fitness with enjoyment is dancing. You may have a lot of fun trying Zumba with your pals.

Tips for A Proper Workout Plan for Teenage Girls

A great fitness plan relies heavily on discipline. Whether you want to lose weight, remain in shape, or maintain your body healthy and fit, there are a few things to keep in mind while creating exercise regimens.

  • What do you want to accomplish by working out? Do you want to reduce weight, increase strength, get in shape, or keep active? Choose exercises that will help you meet your objective in the allotted time.
  • You cannot reduce weight and grow stronger overnight. It takes time and effort to reach physical fitness objectives. So, pick a reasonable goal that you can attain within the time frame specified. Consult a competent trainer or doctor.
  • Regular exercise is required to make a training plan effective. Consult with a trainer and devise a strategy that permits you to exercise every day, including weekends. Set a time that does not conflict with your school schedule or other leisure activities.
  • Maintain consistency to get the intended outcomes. If you decide on a certain fitness regimen, stick to it.
  • Have an exercise companion. Unless you like fitness and healthy living, you will not be inspired to exercise on your own.
  • Choose a fitness program that you are likely to love. You should enjoy working out every day, not be miserable or dissatisfied. Include entertaining activities, such as dance or aerobics, once each week.
  • Timing the exercise is critical. Make sure the exercise length is consistent every day. 


implementing exercise routines for teenage girls is essential for promoting their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Through consistent engagement in physical activity, young women can cultivate healthy habits that contribute to improved fitness levels, enhanced self-esteem, and better overall health outcomes. By prioritizing a balanced approach that incorporates a variety of activities such as cardiovascular exercises, strength training, flexibility exercises, and mindfulness practices, teenage girls can develop a sustainable fitness regimen that suits their individual interests and goals. Additionally, fostering a supportive and inclusive environment that encourages participation and celebrates progress is crucial for sustaining motivation and long-term adherence to exercise routines. Ultimately, by empowering teenage girls with the knowledge and resources to prioritize their physical health and well-being, we can help them lead happier, healthier lives now and into the future.


What is a good workout routine for a 14 year old female?

  • Hiking. 
  • High-Intensity Interval Training 
  • Dance Cardio
  • Body Weight Training
  • Running

What is a good workout routine for a 15 year old?

  • Push-ups—2-3 sets of 15 to 20 reps.
  • Burpees—2-3 sets of 15 to 20 reps.
  • Plank—do 2-3 sets of 60 seconds or as long as you can.
  • Mountain Climbers (with each leg): 2–3 sets of 30 to 50.

What is the best workout routine for girls?

  • Barbell Row
  • Push Up
  • Seated Dumbbell Press

What age should a girl go to the gym?

While 16 is a usual age limit, some may allow younger teens to participate with parental permission or supervision. Supervised lessons: Some gyms provide supervised lessons for children under 16. These are particularly created for young people, allowing them to exercise securely and efficiently.
